ENTREE | Profile | Liam Evans
Liam Evans

Liam Evans


Backend Developer

Node.js Expert

About me

Liam Evans is an experienced backend developer specializing in Node.js and database management. He builds scalable server-side applications and focuses on optimizing performance for high-traffic systems.



API Development




My Projects

API for Real-time Data Streaming

API for Real-time Data Streaming

A real-time data streaming API built with Node.js, allowing applications to send and receive live updates with minimal latency.

Scalable Backend for Social Media Platform

Scalable Backend for Social Media Platform

A backend system developed for a social media platform, handling user authentication, messaging, and media uploads at scale.

MongoDB-based Data Analytics Platform

MongoDB-based Data Analytics Platform

A data analytics platform powered by MongoDB, providing insights into user behavior through real-time analytics and visualizations.

REST API for E-commerce Platform

REST API for E-commerce Platform

A REST API built for an e-commerce platform, handling product listings, cart management, and order processing.

Microservices Architecture for Online Marketplace

Microservices Architecture for Online Marketplace

A microservices-based backend architecture developed for an online marketplace, ensuring fault tolerance and easy scalability.